BREAKING: A NEW Bar Is Opening Quickly in Disney Springs!

We saw a clue about a NEW bar in Disney Springs recently, and now it’s been verified!

Disney Springs

Raglan Road is a popular table service dining establishment in Disney Springs, and it has an adjacent fast service area (Cookes of Dublin) together with a bar location (The Hole in the Wall). Now, there’s another addition concerning the Raglan Roadway complex!

We saw building walls up near Raglan Roadway, and there was a notification on them that they were covering the place of the brand-new Paddy’s Bar We connected to discover more details about this brand-new area!

Continuous building

Paddy’s Bar is going to be a brand-new irreversible outside bar (changing the mobile bar) positioned simply in front of the Buy Ireland present store.

Paddy’s Bar

It’ll have 6 to 8 seats and will just serve a minimal menu of beverages– so if you desire food, you’ll require to head to Raglan Roadway or Cookes of Dublin. The beverages menu here will include “ the best of Irish draft beers together with in your area commissioned craft beers– plus our special variety of Irish mixed drinks

© Raglan Roadway

The bar is called after the poet Patrick Kavanagh, who composed the poem “Raglan Roadway.” It’s going to open quite quickly! They anticipate it to be prepared for visitors this fall (2024 ).

If you have actually gone to Raglan Roadway in the past, you understand that some furnishings and numerous ornamental aspects were sent out over from Ireland in order to make it feel as genuine as possible. Likewise, numerous aspects of the brand-new bar are going to be sent out over from Ireland.

© Raglan Roadway

This isn’t the only building job going on in Disney Springs, however. Chicken Guy! is working on an expanded outdoor seating area, which will make it much more practical to get a fast and delicious meal there.

Chicken Guy growth building walls

With lots of locations to consume at Disney World, we understand it can be difficult to prepare your meals. That’s why we composed theDFB Guide to Dining at Walt Disney World We have evaluations, images, and information about every dining establishment all in one digital download– together with ALL of our finest pointers and techniques from years of Disney World journeys.

DFB Guide

We’ll be expecting more updates, so remain tuned to DFB for the current news!

Click here to learn more about Raglan Road.


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Are you going to check out Paddy’s Bar when it opens in Disney Springs? Let us understand in the remarks.

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